
      About Us

      Welcome to ECHiPSET. We are a team of highly passionate individuals dedicated to delivering our readers the latest information and insights in embedded technology. Our company was founded with the mission to help understand and inform industry professionals and enthusiasts about the latest advancements in embedded technology. Through our platform, we can help bridge the gap between the technical complexities of embedded technology and the general public.

      Our team comprises experienced writers, editors, and researchers committed to providing our readers with accurate and up-to-date information. We pride ourselves on delivering engaging and insightful content that covers a wide range of topics, including Embedded Technology Trends, Chipsets, Processor, Storage Devices, Peripherals, Power Supply, Products, and Details Insights. We understand that the world of embedded technology can be complex and overwhelming, so we strive to make our content accessible to everyone. Whether you are a seasoned industry professional or interested in learning more about embedded technology, we have something for you.

      Our goal is to become the go-to source for all things embedded technology. The ECHiPSET team is constantly working on expanding our coverage and providing our readers with the most comprehensive and informative content possible. We are grateful to you for choosing to join our community. We look forward to sharing knowledge and insights with you as we continue to explore the exciting world of embedded technology.


      Editor in chief: Contact:

      Please follow the instructions for article submission:

      • Content should be original: All submissions should be the author’s original work and not previously published elsewhere.
      • Topic relevance: The article should be relevant to the theme of the technology media and targeted at the intended audience.
      • Images and visuals: If the article requires images or visuals, they should be high-quality and relevant.
      • Tone and style: The tone and style of the article should be engaging, informative, and easy to read.
      • Formatting and Word count: Articles should be submitted in a specific format, such as Word or Google docs. The articles should be at least 400 words.
      • Citation: If there are any references or sources used in the article, they should be cited properly.
      • Author bio: A brief author bio (40 to 60 words) and contact information should be provided for publication.

      By following these rules, your article will have a greater chance of being accepted and published on our technology media platform.